a journey of self betterment, one step at a time.

Month: June, 2013

Shortcuts aren’t always what you expect them to be…

Sometimes when life presents shortcuts, we decide to take them because we are lazy or shortsighted (most of the times it’s both). We think that the outcome will be the same, if not close to what the outcome would be if we hadn’t taken the shortcut…and most times that holds true. However there will also be cases where the outcome does not turn out as planned at all. More importantly, fixing the outcome to where it is simply satisfactory might take longer than if you were to take the normal route to where the outcome would be great. When that happens, a life lesson is in order.

What differentiates a person from being lazy and shortsighted with being efficient and smart, is not their ability to arrive and execute on as many shortcuts as possible, but their ability to discern which ones to take.

Someone once said…

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.