Lesson #1 – You Don’t Know Yourself

What I have learned today is that I shouldn’t waste so much time trying to find who I am. This is because no matter how far I think I get, or how much I think I know myself, the truth is, I will never know. This may sound like a pretty horrible thing right about now, but in some strangle yet productive way, its liberating.

For 17 years of my life, I hated:

Onions, garlic and raw fish. But o how has that changed. Even something as sure as your taste, changes.

For 19 years of my life, I hated:

Writing. But here I am, finding it at least somewhat necessary to express my thoughts through words on paper. I was never good at writing, nor did I ever have the desire to improve. However, one day I woke up rewired. I no longer hated it. Instead I had a passion to properly express my mind through words.

For 22 years of my life, I hated:

Reading. The one and unfailing solution to all my reading problems and needs: Sparknotes. Never read an entire book till recently, sad and disturbing…I know. But I am proud to say that this is no longer the case. I now realize how relaxing and comforting it is to sit down with a good book after a long day of work.

So don’t be afraid to try things again, even if you didn’t like them at first. And most definitely don’t associate interests and talents as something that is absolute. What we find enjoyable and unenjoyable changes with every season, and what we are good at can change overnight.

3/4/13 Update: Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.